ERIGrid 2.0 VA Installation - SmartEST Sim Lab


AIT's SmartEST Sim Lab is a simulation-as-a-service platform that is open to the public and can be used free of charge. It provides a web-based co-simulation platform based on mosaik, Docker, JupyterLab and JupyterHub.


User account registration and login to the SmartEST Sim Lab is provided via the following link:

Sign in to SmartEST Sim Lab

Account Settings

Users can edit their account information and change their password here.

Privacy Notice

The name and email address of users are stored at AIT during registration. This information will only be used for contacting users regarding matters directly related to the SmartEST Sim Lab (user support, maintainance notifications, account administration) and will not be disclosed to any third parties. The name and email address of users will be stored as long as they have an account for the SmartEST Sim Lab. Accounts and related email addresses will be deleted upon the user's request. Please contact and use "Delete Account" as subject to delete an account.

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